As one of the busiest states for commercial trucking routes, Nevada unfortunately witnesses its share of truck collisions, impacting truck drivers and other motorists on the road. From collisions involving semi-trucks to incidents with delivery vehicles, understanding the different types of truck accidents is crucial for truck drivers and victims.

How often do truck accidents occur? Far more often than you might imagine, unfortunately. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 36 trucks were involved in fatal traffic accidents across Nevada in the past years. It is essential to keep in mind that even those who aren’t killed in these types of accidents can still suffer severe injuries.

In this blog, we’ll explore why truck accidents happen, highlighting the situations that can cause these incidents. Whether it’s a truck driver facing difficult road conditions or someone involved in a serious collision, our goal is to provide helpful insights into the causes, outcomes, and legal aspects of truck accidents in Nevada.

Truck Accident Statistics in Nevada

Crashed truck

Below, we will be looking at some of the most common Las Vegas truck accident types. Having an understanding of these types of truck accidents can help to give you a better idea of just how dangerous they can be.

Jackknife Accident

This type of truck accident happens when the back portion of the trailer swings out of line from the cab. Most jackknife accidents occur on slippery road surfaces. Of course, mechanical failure or driver error can also cause this type of accident. Traffic in multiple lanes can be disrupted due to the trailer’s swinging motion.

Rear-End Crash

Crashing into the back of another vehicle is another common accident. Rear-end collisions could occur because the driver is following vehicles too closely. However, it can also happen when a driver switches lanes in front of a truck and enters blind spots.

Underride Collision

When a car or another vehicle hits the truck trailer and then gets trapped beneath, it is called an underride collision. This could occur when a truck attempts to change lanes where there is already another vehicle. It could also happen if a car hits the back or side of the trailer.

A lot of newer trucks have safety features that help prevent this from happening. However, older trucks are still on the road and can be dangerous.

Defective Equipment Accident

Sometimes, the drivers aren’t at fault. It might be a problem with the truck or parts that are on the truck. This could be an issue with the engine, the steering wheel, or the brakes, for example. It could lead to mechanical failures on the road. Even those who are trying to be safe could still end up in an accident.

Load/Cargo Shifts Accident

The cargo in a truck needs to be balanced properly and secured. Otherwise, there is a risk that the truck could end up getting into an accident. If the load is not balanced correctly or is shifting, it will be hard to keep control of the truck, especially when turning corners or taking hills.

Tire Blowout Accident

Tires can fail for a host of reasons. There could be a defect in the tire or something in the road that causes a blowout. Maybe something was missed during an inspection. Regardless, blowouts can and do happen, which can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles.

Truck Rollover Accidents

When a truck turns onto its side, it is considered a rollover accident. This could happen from taking turns too harshly, brake failures, tire blowouts, unbalanced loads, and more. These types of accidents can be dangerous to any vehicles around the truck at the time.

Wide Turn

Driving a truck is not easy. Drivers often need to make wide turns so they don’t run into the curb. However, this can be disconcerting for those drivers who are in the truck’s oncoming path. In some cases, the truck driver might take a turn that is too wide and hit the cars in the opposite lane.

Head-On Collision

These types of accidents can be deadly. Head-on collision happens when the truck and another vehicle hit one another head-on because one vehicle veered into the other’s path. Given the size of the truck, it’s easy to see who comes out on the short end of the stick here.

T-Bone Accident

This type of accident occurs when the front of the truck cab hits the side of another vehicle. T-Bone accidents tend to be most common at intersections.

Side Impact Accident

This occurs when the truck swipes the side of another vehicle. This happens most often when the truck driver changes lanes without properly looking or signaling. It has the potential to cause serious damage to the other vehicle and its occupants.

Accident due to Lack of Proper Truck Maintenance

Truck drivers and the trucking company are supposed to maintain their vehicles properly to ensure it is in good shape. However, not everyone keeps their trucks maintained, which could end up causing mechanical failures and accidents.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Several factors contribute to truck accidents, ranging from human error to environmental conditions and mechanical failures. Here, we explore five common causes of truck accidents, shedding light on drivers’ challenges and the broader transportation industry.

  • Driver Fatigue: One of the leading causes of truck accidents is truck driver fatigue. Long hours behind the wheel, tight delivery schedules, and inadequate rest periods can all contribute to driver fatigue, impairing judgment, slowing reaction times, and increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Distracted Driving: In an age of smartphones and in-cabin technology, distracted driving has become a significant concern for truck drivers. Activities such as texting, browsing the internet, or adjusting navigation systems divert attention from the road, increasing the risk of collisions.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed is a common factor in many truck accidents. Speeding reduces the driver’s ability to react to hazards, increases stopping distances, and makes collisions more severe, causing worse accidents.
  • Poor Weather Conditions: Truck operators face big challenges in bad weather like rain, snow, ice, or fog. Reduced visibility, slippery roads, and unpredictable road conditions increase the likelihood of accidents, particularly if drivers fail to adjust their speed and driving behavior accordingly.
  • Mechanical Failures: Truck accidents can also occur due to mechanical failures, such as brake malfunctions, truck tire blowouts, or steering system issues. Inadequate maintenance, equipment defects, or improper loading can all contribute to mechanical failures, putting drivers and other road users at risk.

Is the Truck Driver Solely Responsible for the Accident?

Determining sole responsibility for an accident depends on various factors, such as the specific circumstances, applicable laws, road conditions, weather conditions, and the actions of all parties involved. In certain situations, a truck driver may bear complete responsibility for an accident if it’s demonstrated that their negligence, recklessness, or violation of traffic laws directly led to it.

However, in many situations, fault can be shared among multiple parties. Other factors, such as the actions of other drivers, vehicle conditions, road design flaws, or even external factors like weather or road conditions, could contribute to an accident.

It’s essential to thoroughly investigate the accident, gather evidence, and consider all relevant factors before determining who bears responsibility. This often involves legal proceedings, insurance investigations, and possibly expert opinions to establish liability accurately.

Legal Considerations for Truck Accidents in Nevada

Comparative Negligence Laws

In Nevada, truck accidents are subject to comparative negligence laws. This means that if you’ve been involved in a truck accident, your compensation may be affected by your degree of fault. Nevada follows the modified comparative negligence rule, which states that if you are found to be 50% or more at fault for the accident, you may not be eligible to recover any damages.

However, if you are less than 50% at fault, your compensation will decrease based on the percentage of fault assigned to you. Knowing how comparative negligence operates is essential for your case’s outcome and potential compensation.

Statute of Limitations

Knowing the statute of limitations for filing truck accident claims in Nevada is essential. The statute of limitations sets a deadline for initiating legal proceedings after an accident.

In Nevada, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including truck accidents, is generally two years from the accident date. Failure to file a claim within this timeframe may result in losing your right to seek compensation.

Thus, if you are one of the truck accident victims, it’s essential to act promptly and seek legal advice as soon as possible after a truck accident to ensure that your rights are protected.

Importance of Seeking Legal Assistance

Given the complexities of truck accident lawsuits and the potential consequences, seeking legal assistance is important.

An experienced truck accident attorney can help you navigate the legal process, gather evidence, assess liability, negotiate with your insurance company, and advocate for your rights.

They can also ensure you meet all deadlines and fulfill all legal requirements, maximizing your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries, property damage, and other losses.

By having a knowledgeable legal advocate, you can focus on recovering from your injuries. At the same time, they handle the legal aspects of your case, providing you with peace of mind during a challenging time.

How Can an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas Help You

Have you been injured in one of these truck crash types or suffered another injury due to the driver’s negligence? If you or a loved one has been in an accident that was not your fault, you must ensure the responsible parties are held accountable.

Understanding the various types of truck accidents on Nevada roads is crucial for truck accident victims and small passenger vehicles. Whether it’s a rear-end collision, jackknife accident, or underride collision, the consequences can be devastating, often resulting in serious injuries or even fatalities. Victims need to seek immediate legal counsel from experienced truck accident lawyers who can navigate the complexities of these cases, especially when dealing with commercial trucking companies. By scheduling a consultation with Temple Injury Law, victims can ensure their rights are protected and pursue the compensation they deserve. Remember, swift action is key to securing justice and moving toward recovery when truck accidents happen.