Wrongful Death Claim Lawyer in Las Vegas

Experiencing the tragic and sudden death of a loved one can completely alter your life forever. While you may be dealing with a ton of moving pieces in this situation, it’s essential to think about your legal rights. If your child, parent, or spouse’s death was caused by someone else’s reckless or careless conduct, you may be entitled to compensation.

It’s essential to understand your rights and options during an emotional and challenging period of life. Working with a wrongful death claim lawyer in Las Vegas ensures you have all the information you need to move forward and get what you deserve. Contact Temple Injury Law to learn more about the legal facts involved in wrongful death cases.

Why Hire an Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney in Las Vegas

Going through the death of a loved one is complex and can create many emotions. When the loss is unexpected, your grief may be even more heartfelt than usual. It can be a struggle to get through grief even without other things on your plate. 

Here are some reasons why you should hire one of the most experienced wrongful death lawyers in Las Vegas

  • Seasoned Guidance Through the Legal Process: An experienced attorney understands the complexities of the legal system and can guide you through the often intricate wrongful death claim process. They ensure that all procedural requirements are met on time, significantly reducing the stress involved in legal proceedings.
  • Maximizing Your Compensation: Law firms specializing in wrongful death cases are adept at assessing the full value of your claim, including medical expenses, funeral costs, lost wages, and loss of companionship. They are skilled in negotiating with insurance companies to ensure you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. 
  • Deep Understanding of Wrongful Death Laws: Wrongful death laws vary by state, and an experienced wrongful death lawyer in Las Vegas will have a thorough understanding of Nevada’s specific statutes. This insight is vital in building a strong wrongful death lawsuit that adheres to all state laws and regulations. 
  • Proven Track Record: A law firm with a history of handling wrongful death cases successfully can offer peace of mind that your case is in capable hands. Their experience in similar cases means they know what strategies work best in pursuing justice for a wrongful death victim. 
  • Emotional Support: Losing a loved one is a challenging experience, and the added burden of a legal battle can be overwhelming. A compassionate wrongful death attorney can provide legal and emotional support during this difficult time.
  • No Upfront Fees: Many wrongful death lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement allows families to pursue justice without worrying about upfront legal fees.

What is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death” is a legal term used to describe a situation where the wrongful act, negligence, or default of another person or entity causes someone’s death. This concept is part of personal injury law and allows the deceased person’s survivors to file a lawsuit against those responsible for the death. Although the principles behind wrongful death claims are relatively consistent across the United States, specific laws and procedures can vary significantly from state to state. 

In Las Vegas, wrongful death laws are governed by Nevada law. According to NRS Chapter 41.085, wrongful death claims can be filed by the deceased person’s estate representatives and surviving family members if they are financially dependent on the deceased. 

The purpose of a wrongful death claim in Nevada is to compensate the survivors for their losses. These losses can include funeral and burial expenses, lost wages and benefits (including what the deceased person could reasonably have been expected to earn in the future), medical bills related to the deceased person’s final illness or injury, and compensation for the pain and suffering of the survivors and the loss of companionship.

What Is the Time Limit or Statute of Limitations in Nevada?

There is a specific statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits in Nevada. The claim must be settled, or the appropriate person must file a lawsuit within two years of the victim’s passing. If you fail to file the claim in this period, you may have no opportunity to seek justice for a loved one, as the court will likely refuse to hear your case.

Death Certificate - Temple Injury Law

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Las Vegas?

Only beneficiaries of the estate of the decedent can file for wrongful death claims. This involves:

  • Domestic partners or spouse as heirs.
  • Surviving kids as heirs.
  • Parents of the deceased individual if no children or spouses exist.
  • Personal representatives of the deceased’s estate.

What Is a Wrongful Death Claim?

Wrongful Death Claims Lawyer in Las Vegas - Temple Injury Law

Who can sue for wrongful death in Las Vegas, Nevada? This is a common question and one that can be a bit complicated. Not every death is eligible for a wrongful death claim. To sue for this, you must be able to show that a particular person committed a wrongful act or was negligent and this caused the death. 

If someone’s negligence led to the death of your loved one or because an individual breached their duty or care, you have the legal ability to bring a claim against them. Generally, the standard of duty of ordinary care looks at what a reasonably prudent person would do in the same circumstances. 

If the person failed to act as they should have, this could have created a dangerous or deadly situation. If the breach of duty leads to harm or an accident, this is negligence. 

For instance, physicians are professionally obligated to provide care. If they breach this requirement, it counts as medical malpractice. The wrongful death law in Nevada also encompasses deaths from wrongful acts. This means someone acted maliciously, knowingly, or recklessly and caused whatever led to a loved one passing on. 

If you need a wrongful death settlement, speak with one of our Nevada wrongful death attorneys. They can help you find evidence of whether the case is a wrongful death claim and give you insight into whether you should move forward.

What Are the Most Common Types of Wrongful Death Claim Cases?

All sorts of instances can lead to a wrongful death suit. If a business or person is responsible or negligent in a person’s death, a claim can be filed. While wrongful deaths can take place in all sorts of situations, the following tend to be the most ordinary: 

Understanding Negligence & Wrongful Acts in Las Vegas

When negligence or wrongful acts cause death, it means the death could have been prevented by taking (or not taking) certain actions. The loss of life did not have to occur and someone is responsible for the death. In these tragic situations, family members can sue to recover both financial and non-financial damages related to the death. 

How Temple Injury Law Supports Families Through Wrongful Death Claims