Transportation network companies, also known as rideshare companies, have been popular in Las Vegas. People like these Uber or Lyft services because they are often faster and more affordable than cabs. They make it easy to get around the city.

Las Vegas Review Journal reports that the ridesharing industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years. This is evident in cities like Las Vegas. The number of pickups for ride-hailing companies surged from 1.03 million in the past years, the inaugural year of service in Las Vegas, to 2.78 million in recent years. This rapid increase demonstrates consumers’ growing popularity and adoption of ridesharing services during this period.

However, just as with any other vehicle, there is the risk of accidents. If you have been in an Uber or Lyft accident as a passenger, you might be wondering more about the Nevada rideshare accident laws. Let’s look at some of the basics to give you a better idea of what to expect.

Is Nevada an At-Fault State?

Yes, Nevada is an at-fault state when an auto accident occurred. This means that fault is assigned to one or more parties involved based on their actions or negligence. 

The concept of fault still applies to ridesharing accidents, such as those involving companies like Uber or Lyft. If a ridesharing driver is found to be at fault for causing an accident, they may be held liable for damages resulting from the accident. This could include injuries to passengers, other drivers, or pedestrians and damage to vehicles or property.

In Nevada, as in other at-fault states, determining fault in a ridesharing accident will involve investigating the circumstances of the accident, including factors like:

  • Driver behavior
  • Road conditions
  • Any applicable traffic laws

Insurance companies, legal representatives, and sometimes law enforcement authorities may be involved in this process to establish liability and determine compensation for those affected by the accident.

As you can imagine, determining who is at fault is extremely important. However, this can be next to impossible to do on your own. Instead, work with a professional like a Las Vegas Uber accident lawyer.

Contact a Las Vegas Rideshare Accident Attorney Today

The simplest thing you can do is connect with a Las Vegas Uber accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can provide you with peace of mind and make going through the case much easier. The sooner you contact them the better off you will be, as they can take a lot of worry off your plate.

As you can see, a lot goes into these types of cases. While regular car accident cases are problematic enough, these often have other elements that can make them even more difficult to understand.

Have you or a loved one been injured in a rideshare accident? If so, you are likely looking for help from someone who knows and understands what you are going through. You should be focused on making a recovery. Let the professionals help you. We hope the information you’ve found on this page has been helpful. If you would like, you can speak with our personal injury lawyer at Temple Injury Law about your situation. Contact us through our site or call us. We would love to talk with you about your case.