If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident in Nevada, you’re probably aware of the serious and often severe injuries that can result from these incidents. Common injuries from truck accidents include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and complex internal injuries. These types of injuries can have long-term effects on both health and finances.

This guide aims to clearly explain the typical injuries associated with truck accidents in Nevada, examine their lasting impacts, and guide you through the recovery process and the steps to seek legal help.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Truck accidents can cause severe injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which have a significant impact on a person’s life. A TBI can happen when someone’s head is hit or shaken during a truck crash. This can lead to various problems, such as:

  • Mild headaches that come and go
  • Feeling dizzy or light-headed
  • Feeling confused
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory loss
  • Changes in personality

These symptoms might not show up immediately but can develop gradually, making it necessary to get a medical check-up immediately after a truck accident.

The effects of a TBI from a truck accident go beyond just physical injuries. They can strain personal relationships, reduce job opportunities, and generally lower the quality of life for those affected.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

Spinal cord injuries resulting from a truck accident can be devastating, often leading to various degrees of paralysis depending on the severity and location of the injury. Here’s a breakdown of how these truck accident injuries can impact the body and what paralysis may involve:

Nature of Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Spinal cord injuries occur when there’s damage to the spinal cord from trauma, loss of its normal blood supply, or compression from a tumor or infection. In truck accidents, the most common cause is trauma.

The injury can be either complete or incomplete. In a complete SCI, there is no sensory or motor function below the level of the injury. An incomplete SCI means there is some remaining function.

Levels of Injury and Corresponding Paralysis

  • Cervical injuries (neck) often result in tetraplegia (also known as quadriplegia), where both arms and legs are paralyzed.
  • Thoracic injuries (mid-back) typically affect the chest and the legs, leading to paraplegia.
  • Lumbar and Sacral injuries (lower back) can affect the hips and legs, also potentially leading to paraplegia or varying degrees of mobility impairment.

Symptoms and Immediate Care

Symptoms can include extreme pain or pressure in the neck, head, or back, paralysis or numbness, loss of control over body parts, difficulty with balance and walking, impaired breathing after injury, and odd-positioned or twisted neck or back.

Immediate response to an SCI often involves immobilizing the spine as quickly as possible to prevent further injury and transporting the injured person to a medical facility.

Legal Recourse and Compensation Claims

Following a truck accident, the journey to obtain compensation is laden with intricate legal challenges. The guidance of an attorney becomes essential for those harmed in the incident as they pursue damages for their injuries sustained from the truck mishap. This encompasses several key actions carried out by legal counsel.

  • Gathering essential documentation
  • Engaging in settlement negotiations
  • Establishing fault
  • Identifying and proving any neglect of responsibilities by either the truck driver or their employing company
  • Illustrating how this neglect resulted in a breach of duty

The scope of claims for compensation after such accidents can include various aspects like:

  • Costs associated with medical treatment
  • Income lost due to inability to work
  • Suffering on emotional levels
  • Awards meant as punishment (punitive damages) against responsible parties

Should initial offers regarding settlements fall short, escalating the matter into a full-blown lawsuit may become necessary.

Identifying Liable Parties

Understanding who’s responsible for a truck accident can be really complicated. It’s not just about the person driving the truck; it involves a bunch of other possibilities:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The people who loaded the cargo onto the truck
  • The folks who are supposed to keep the trucks in good shape
  • Even the companies that made the trucks or their parts

To sort through all this, you’d need a Nevada truck accident lawyer who knows all the legal aspects of truck accidents. They can dig into the details and figure out who might be to blame. With a skilled lawyer on your side, especially one who’s good with truck accidents, you stand a better chance of getting compensation.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure fairness prevails and that people who were hurt in the accident receive the compensation they deserve from those who caused it.

Building a Strong Personal Injury Claim

Having medical records is a must in a truck accident case. These records show how bad the injuries are and how much money is needed to treat them.

If someone dies because of a truck accident, their family might need compensation to cover things like funeral expenses, the money the person would have earned if they were still alive, and the emotional toll of losing a loved one. Expert witnesses, who are professionals in their field, can help strengthen the case by giving their opinions based on their expertise.

Evaluating Insurance Company Tactics

It can be challenging when you’re in a truck accident and looking to be compensated for your losses because insurance companies often try to pay as little as possible. Understanding your rights under the law and gathering strong evidence to prove who’s responsible is important.

One key step is to obtain a copy of the police report, which contains important details that insurance companies use to evaluate claims. Collecting witness statements promptly is essential, as this can support your case and counter any arguments from the insurance company.

Before seeking compensation, know what your insurance policy covers and doesn’t. Preparing for discussions with the insurance company is critical, as they typically aim to offer less money. Having a lawyer specializing in truck accidents can be incredibly beneficial. They can negotiate and ensure the insurance company takes your claim seriously.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Truck Accidents

Truck Accident Crash

Advocating for Victims of Truck Accidents in Nevada

Semi-trailer truck accident